This weekend I grabbed another elderly box, an HP Proliant DL380 G5 with 32Gb and dual quad cores. Plenty for our infrastructure needs. I got it up and running openSUSE Leap15 in no time, then I started contemplating what to move first.
The answer was obvious – the test systems, “test150” and “test422”. I started with test150, shut it down, created the logical volume on “mirage”, the new host. Copied over the logical volume from “oslo” with
dd bs=1048576 if=/dev/xenspace/test150 | ssh mirage "dd of=/dev/xenspace/test150".
I copied the config over, then cranked it up “xl create /srv/xen/auto/test150”. Job done.
I am just pleasantly surprised how smooth and easy it all went. Chapeau Xen!
Completing the migration of the remaining machines, 9 or 10 of them, from “oslo” and “airbus” to “mirage” should be done tomorrow. That’ll leave us plenty of extra capacity for the future as well as reduce power consumption, which is always good.